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Kiera Knightley has accepted the lead role in "Domino", a film described by the tupac music video Hollywood Reporter as "an action thriller based on the true tale of a model-turned-bounty hunter." Tony Scott tupac music video is attached to direct Richard Kelly's ("Donnie Darko") script, which is said to include flashbacks, flash-forwards and characters from "Beverly Hills 90210" ... mmmmmBEST! since when did The Miz tupac music video become a photographer? check out these snaps of Real World Coral in a bikini ... makes me say "UHHHHHHH" (ta na nah naaa!). nothing worse than a sore loser, especially when "said" sore loser is old, slow, fat and durst. The Grizz reports that on "Hot In Here Part 5", a new mix tape from California-based DJ Vlad, Shaq disses Detroit Piston center Ben Wallace by lobbing out a "spider web head" bomb.
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