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However, many of the States' best and brightest scientists are of the alternate POV. Don't let the background noise of the crackpots affect your judgement. Unfortunately, it is not background noise. People get a hundred years or so of data and they start going beserk. I live in Upstate NY. I'd appreciate a warm-front any time now. Yeah, yeah, freak year, not land grantcollege review a good land grantcollege review statistical sample. Glaciers melting, and all that. Of course, I'd like to know when those glaciers started land grantcollege review melting, but whatever. As for you, Mr. DrJonboyG, I think you will note the following:quote:(disclaimer: not all of these salient points are sourced from DrJonboy, this is an amalgamation). Did you not see it, or were you just ignoring it? My comments were loosely targeted at you based on the apparent Eurocentrism (You don't seem to speak with a "Murrican" voice.