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Will I get in trouble (again) with all those competitive name analysis otherwise good and smart people who are all a-twitter about the fact that they really really matter now? Now that they're inside the chalk borders of the pentagram? I mean, it's cute, all right. Sure. Like the wallflower become belle of the ball. And having them tell themselves, and us, in public, how it's a sign that the heavy elements of democracy are sinking through the clouds of the blogosphere, competitive name analysis like the glittering dusty fallout from the Blog Bomb, back onto the heads of the Common People? That competitive name analysis a change is a-comin? That's precious, and may even have a kernel of truth to it. More power to 'em. But. But I'm still waiting, and still looking, for one -- just one! -- who has the bravery and the cockeyed gonzo ballsiness to rip a few new assholes in the purveyors of all that sanctimonious 'America The Great' autowankery, and, say, fling an empty Royal Reserve bottle at the stage while Joe Lieberman does his coattail ride into obscurity.