What a nightmare. (thx, prejudice mp3

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What a nightmare. (thx, dunstan)  # Nothing says hardcore more than replacing your eyebrows with tattoos reading "fuck" and "you". This guy needs a hug. (via bo)  # The Project for Excellence in Journalism has released its annual report on American journalism: The State of the News Media 2006.  # PDF of the 2006 James Beard Award Nominees. Dan mp3 Barber is up for best NYC chef.  # Most comments After linking to a particularly active thread on a politics blog, Chris asks: What is the mp3 record for the most amount of comments left on a blog? The Matrix mp3 Reloaded thread (it actually spans two threads because MT was beginning to buckle under the pressure) got 1767 comments in six months. MetaFilter's longest thread has 1729 comments. I've seen 1000+ comment threads on Dooce and political blogs like Daily Kos probably have 1000+ comments threads all the time.
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