Rule one. NEVER, NEVER, girl power by hillary carlip shawn andrews

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Rule one. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER tell your kids, "Oh, honey, I don't care what you do! I just want you to be happy!" BULLSHIT!!!! You tell them shawn andrews from day one, "You're the doctor, you're the lawyer." That's it. Screw this happy, go find yourself bullshit. Follow that route and you end up with a son in theatre and another who thinks he's Picaso. shawn andrews Rule one. Go ahead, make them miserable, tell them their future, and shawn andrews if they don't listen - no problem. At least you won't be complicite in their folly. OK. There's one. Here's rule two. Should you in fact raise a dysfunctional family, set a date for permanent separation. That's right. Look. The kids are damaged anyway, right? So why do you want to spend the rest of your life hearing about their lives with the stupid girlfriends who should be kicked to the curb, the fellowships that fell through, the phone call from jail because of the artistic demolition of the car with an axe, the lonliness of New York and the constant rejections from auditions - screw it.
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