gay relationships r WRONG. tom sizemore marissa ribisi

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gay marissa ribisi relationships r WRONG. If god wantedpeople 2 b gay he would ov created adam n stevenot adam n eve 75Danny Boygays r kind of going against the law of nature.god made us marissa ribisi to mate with girls! not boys withboys...girls with girls. girls with guys! fuckers!i hate u faggets!!!!! if u get near me i dont careif i get the electric chair! ill slit ypu throatand have fun doing it.74Bisexual MaleFunny how you call gays cock suckers, so are gaygirls cock suckers too? I am a bisexual by theway, I fuck girls and boys, lick pussy and suckdick so deal with it! I ain't scared of thethreats made by pubeless little chavs like youlot, in fact its laughable, the easiest way tocome out of the closet guys is to just be honestwith yourself, I hope you one day you get a nicebig cock up your arse :)73ryani h8 gays there so fucking gay lol if i ever see agay walk past me il fukin slit der throat m8 urall sick .
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