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There are reciprical aid agreements between the various states for NG troops. She can ask for more. She waited much too long.7. What was Bush supposed to do? Declare Louisiana out of control creative writing BEFORE, DURING or AFTER the hurricane and levee break? Illegal. Drive busses since the NOLA folks couldn't do it? Send in the Army, Air Force and Marines and take over? See posse comitatis. It is creative writing illegal. 8. The creative writing City of New Orleans and the State of Louisiana were overwhelmed by the magnitude of the disaster. None of the leaders were up to the task of making order out of chaos. They did, however, continue to play political games while people died. Nagin attacked the Governor, and who knows what Blanco did. Anyone see ONE news clip of either NAGIN or BLANCO in New Orleans after the flood? Anyone see any news clip of Blanco anywhere in Louisiana other then Baton Rouge or with Bush?Notice