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You may (or may not) wish to know that the following BRAD BLOG Guest Blog item by Joseph Cannon has been entirely misquoted to you out of context by your blogmasters. Like your "President", your blogmasters seem only interested in misleading you and ensuring that you stay humorous in the dark by giving you only the selected-out-of-context information which meets humorous their own political agenda. We invite you to read Mr. Cannon's entire blog item before you add your two cents in the comments humorous section here whatever they may be. Unlike LGF and the bulk of the other rightie blogs that have misquoted this article in hopes of avoiding accountability where it belongs for this national disaster, our comments section is open and requires no pre-registration, which LGF no longer seems to allow anyway. As to LGF's misleading update to their misleading item describing my comment here as "an uttlerly craven excuse," I promise to scratch my head and ponder for the rest of the evening what "excuse" it is they are referring to.