random, by jane anderson, jarhead collector's edition (widescreen), songs, dazedand confused, cole hauser, might, jacob vargas, interpretations, rock, personal essay, randy harrison,
So when your house of your twofriends (your hand and your computer) don'tthink about calling 911. Just tell Yellow Card youhate firefighters. When you a get free time fromwacking off and signing this petition look upBelieve by Yellow Card, and tell me what youthink. 200matti cant believe how unbelievable this stuff is. ijus happen to be a firefighter, and seeing allthis on the internet makes me wonder why write im dointhis job...oh yea, i know, its so people can LIVE.i didnt sign up to be a hero, write none of us areheros, we're jus ordinary guys write that get putinto extraordinary situations. if there is anyoneof you that has actually gone into a burningbuilding, saved someones life, felt thebrotherhood of being a firefighter and sayssomethin to agree with these idiots, i cantunderstand it, but i can at least stand you sayinit, but i'm pretty sure none of you have everdone any of that, and given the oppurtunitywouldnt have the balls to go in because yourselfish ass dont care bout other people.