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Sarsgaard as Troy, Damion Poitier as Poitier, Riad Galayini as Nurse, Craig Coyne as Young Mr. Swofford, Katherine Randolph as Young Mrs. Swofford, Rini Bell as Swoff's Sister, Dendrie Taylor as Mrs. Swofford, James Morrison as Mr. Swofford, Arman Zajic as Boy Swoff, Brianne Davis as Kristina, doom (film) Jamie Foxx as Staff Sgt. Sykes, Brian Casey as Paintball doom (film) Marine, Ernest Ozuna as doom (film) Sgt. Major, Tyler Sedustine as Harris, Jacob Vargas as Cortez, Laz Alonso as Escobar, Jocko Sims as Julius... See all Cast Crew:Sam Mendes - Director, William Broyles Jr. - Writer (Screenplay), Anthony Swofford - Writer (Book), Bobby Cohen - Producer (executive producer), Lucy Fisher - Producer (producer), Pippa Harris - Producer (co-producer), Sam Mercer - Producer (executive producer), Douglas Wick - Producer (producer)... See all Crew Listmania!