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by air ambulance MIA - Missing in Action; missing in a battle situation, not known if alive or dead. MLRS - photos Multiple Launch Rocket System MOAB - officially, Massive Ordnance Air Blast (slang: mother of all photos bombs) MOS - Military Occupational Specialty—formal job classification, usually expressed as a number or number/letter combination—e.g., 11B Infantryman. MOPP - Mission-Oriented Protective Postures MP - Military Police. MRE - officially, Meal Ready to Eat; (slang: Meal Rejected/Refused by Ethiopians or: Meal Rejected by photos the Enemy) NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer: an enlisted person with command responsibility over soldiers of lesser rank; a corporal (grade E4) or any grade of sergeant (grades E5 - E9); see also Specialist. NBC - nuclear, biological, chemical O/O - order of operations OCONUS - Outside CONtinental United States, includes Alaska and Hawaii OCS - Officer Candidate School OLC - Oak Leaf Cluster (signifying subsequent awards) OPORD - Operations order OSUT - One Station Unit Training; combination of BCT and AIT where the soldier remains in the same unit for both training portions PCS - Permanent Change of Station, reassignment, usually to a different duty station PERSCOM - PERSonell COMmand, short for United States Army Personnel Command.
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