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Please respond via e-mail, with a phone number where I can reach bush you, or feel free to contact me at bush [PHONE NUMBER OMITTED] If you wish to verify my identity, may I suggest you contact Denver information, get the main number for the Denver Post, and ask for me. I bush will be happy to return your call to save your toll charges. We have an early deadline, so please respond at your earliest convenience. Thanks. We've been too busy to post it, sorry. From: Subject: Just Wondering.... hi, i was just wondering, do u have a list of all of your victims, especialy the different schools? souderton PA by any chance? Thanks Oh no. Not radio. From: Tom Page <> Subject: Good Job on the Site. Extremely Twisted. Heard 2 DJs on WBCN Boston giving out your website address & telling everybody it was the really from the Littleton shooters.