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I mean you’re going to tell John Bonham what to fucking play? Ohhh God!! I go, “dude forget about taking a drum stick and whois throwing it sideways up your ass, I’m going to take a kick drum and shove whois it up your ass backwards.” Telling John Bonham what the fuck to play? Let Led Zeppelin be Led Zeppelin and everybody else just stay out of the fucking whois way, before anyone gets hurt. Yeah too many producers just ruin too many good bands? Well I mean how hard is it to produce like Chris Cornell? Just let Chris sing. To prove God exists, just listen to his voice. I mean how hard would it be for me or you to produce an Audioslave record? Let Tom [Morello] play and let the guy fucking do it and all me or you has to do is press record and we got a new Audioslave record. Do me or you have to sit there and tell Chris he’s sharp or flat? Chris will be the first one to go,”that sucks, let me do it one more time.”