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The direct address to the TA in the title and the comments also suggests an awareness of this possibility. Accordingly, the remarks upon tupac music video the TA’s physical appearance and her tupac music video body (which no one could seriously classify as a genuine tupac music video critique of her teaching) are an attempt to intimidate this poor young woman and to shatter her confidence. It would have taken considerable strength of character on her part to continue with the course.Of course students should express their disatisfaction with a particular course or teacher, but mature adults, if unable to speak with the teacher herself, would approach the professor coordinating the course and, if that didn’t work, the head of the department and so on up the food chain. June, at 8:50 pm EST on February 15, 2006 Self-improvement Self improvement is improving the self (should not need to be said) not having “improvement” imposed on you by someone with pretensions of being a parent.
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