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Then, in the second ("Ben's Birthday Party"), he offends a blind man--by telling him his girlfriend's not as hot jeremy piven as she claims--and pokes Stiller in the eye with a skewer while attempting to show agent Jeff Greene (Jeff Garlin) jeremy piven his new golf move. Larry continues to offend Stiller until he drops out of The Producers and, in the fifth episode ("The 5 Wood"), David Schwimmer (Friends) steps in. The following episode ("The Car Pool Lane"), in jeremy piven which David attends a Dodgers game--with a prostitute, so he can use the carpool lane--made history when it set an innocent man free. Unused footage from the show, entered into evidence by the defense attorney, confirmed his client's alibi that he couldn't have committed a murder because he was at the game (alas, the Braves still trounced the Dodgers).