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It is men like Mullah Krekar who will found a new, better, Islamic Norway. Let us praise Allah that Mullah Krekar decided to reside in the grateful country of pictures Norway. kalwri | 2005-04-15 12:15 | Link mamosta krekar he is a kurdish prophit pictures evri jahil impolit and terorist want say to him (......) Kurdish Man | 2005-04-21 02:28 | Link Fuck this Krekar peice of shit. Send him back to Kurdistan we will fuck him up terorrist peice of shit. He has killed many innocent Kurds that fucking gaylord. ibn pictures salahaddin auoby | 2005-08-23 00:33 | Link i always love mullah krekar cz i knew him when i was infant in kurdistan ,honest 2 god his brilliant muslim & i always called him by phone cz im proud of him in kurdistan only between other mulla ,others sceared of die but krekar his angel of death 2 kill kafir ppl inshallah his kurd & generation of salahaddin auoby so no way we got to go a head 4 this great islam ;;i love u mamosta krekar more then all kurd ppl ,u the 1 between all of us may ASllah help u | 2005-08-25 02:01 | Link his great leader , the one who love
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