But I was really rick demas nude

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But I was really disappointed in the nude bios - after reading the bios of President Bush and his wife, I gave up in disgust. I only have to assume (and hope) that they were highly tongue-in-cheek. I thought that they were totally tacky, tasteless and disrespectful of two great people. I wish you'd say something decent about them. nude DATE = 10/12/2004 SUBJECT = jack and emma claire NAME = anonymous MESSAGE = Give me a break! You are picking on little kids now. I nude am sure all of you were annoying kids at one time. I can not believe this was a headline on George Bush's campaign web page!! Pick on some one your own age!!!!!!! DATE = 10/12/2004 SUBJECT = Check Website NAME = Laura MESSAGE = Someone has messed around with the George Bush website and I really think you should look at it. It had to be a democrat. It's not very pretty so look and fix it please. DATE = 10/12/2004 SUBJECT = What if I was?
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