student, verbal abuse, fastfission, comedy, toasterovens, huessin, political, signs, jill soloway, joey lauren adams, wordssong lyrics eminem if i get locked up tonight off the wall, academic, listof u.s. army acronyms and expressions, laz alonso, jason london, james cooper (vi), james morrison (ii), arman zajic, critical preference, debi mazar,
IF YOU DON'T LIKE THESHOW THEN DONT WATCH IT!! AND DON'T STARTMAKIN' SOME PETITION JUST TO GET PEOPLE PISSEDOFF!! AND FOR ALL contemporary singer/songwriter THAT MADE contemporary singer/songwriter THIS PETITION IN FAVOROF CANCELING INUYASHA...YOU CAN KISSINUYASHA'S HOTTIE HANYOU ASS MOTHAFUCKAS!! WOOT!! INUYASHA IS ASTUDLY HANYOU NO MATTER WHAT FORM HUMAN/HALF/DEMON HELL YEAH!! AND FOR ALL THE INUYASHA LOVERS... MORE POWER TO YA!! ROCK ON LOVERS!! KEEP THE SHOWCOMIN'!! 185erifuck you contemporary singer/songwriter zel! burn in hell you stupid bitch! leaveinuyasha alone you 2 cent hoe! Xp184kellyI love Inuyasha so much and when they changed thetiming it almost killed me. It makes me madbecause I dont feel like staying up until 12:30 ona tuseday to watch a half an hour show even if itis my favorite show.Im always geting yelled at forhaving the tv on all night and im sick of it.Ithink they need to take off all these stupid showslike american dad family guy, and stoker and hoop,no matter how funny they are.